This site provides accessibility help, enabling computer users to make the most of the internet whatever their ability or disability, according to the web content accessibility guidelines WCAG(2.0) as found in the official page of W3C.
Operating Instructions Website:
- To increase the font size on the content around the page, use the symbol +
- To decrease the font size on the content around the page, use the symbol -
- To reset the font size on the content to its default, use the symbol =
- By changing the page's style, you will be able to remove graphic-heavy elements on the page, experiencing a more accessible version of the website.
- To change the page's style to white, use the following button
- To change the page's style to black, use the following button
- To change the page's style to blue, use the following button
- To reset the page's style to its default, use the following button
- In order to adjust the gray scale in combination with the original design of the website and in combination with the change of contrast, use the following button:
- To reset the grayscale to its default, use the following button:
- in order to see better the links of the website better, please choose the following button:
- to remove the underlining of the website links and reset it to its default, please choose
the following option:
Here you will find the page's structure, as well as the shortcut-key in brackets, which will take you to the corresponding hyperlink. This function, allows you to explore the website, by simply using the keyboard.
- Instead of using the mouse to choose the text or to move within the website, use the standard navigation keys, page up, page down and the arrows.
- Space bar: by clicking the button space bar, you will be moving to the next visible part of the page.
The current website complies with the international standards and specifications. By clicking on each icon, it will take you to the relevant page and it will present you with all validation results for our website. These icons are located at the bottom of each page.